Bindusara Mauryan--The Worshiped Emperor-The Maurya emperor who expanded India to the greatest extent

The Worshiped Emperor - Bindusara Mauryan

The Worshiped Emperor - Bindusara Mauryan
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If you ask who Bindusara is, the answer will most likely be a retort or surprise. The sad truth is that Emperor Bindu Sara Maurya, who reigned for a quarter of a century during the golden age of India's written history, is now a stranger to us.

Bindusara is one of the many great ancient Indian emperors who have been revered by historians. During his quarter-century rule, India was rich and powerful. Bindusaran's India was fifty percent larger than today's India. There is no need to look for any other reasons for his worship.


Bindusara was the son of Maurya emperor Chandragupta. His reign was between 298 and 270 BC. He strongly protected the kingdom he received from Chandragupta. Even the distant country of Egypt sent an ambassador to Bindusara's palace. The Eastern Greek Empire of Seleucus appointed a scholar named Diamachus as ambassador.

A diplomat named Dionysius was sent by the Ptolemy Egyptian Empire to Bindusaran's capital several thousand miles away. Ptolemy Philadelphius was the son of Ptolemy, the founder of the Ptolemaic Empire

Egyptian emperor of that period.

Historical records say that Bindusaran was an epitome of tolerance and respected and helped Buddhist monks, atheists, Greek sophists, Charvakas and monks of various faiths.

His sons Sumanan Ashoka and Vigatashoka started fighting with each other during his lifetime. His sudden death without a clear successor marked the beginning of the instability of the empire

It is estimated that the population of India during Bindusaran's reign was more than five crores. It was half of the world's population at that time. Pataliputra, the Mauryan capital, was the largest city in the world. Half of the world's wealth was in his country. Different types of people lived comfortably in the country without Allah. Bindusaran does not even reach the distant memory of anyone during the glorification of Timur and Khilji, who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Indians. It points to the great failure of our historians in evaluating history and historical men.

Runu Bindusaran is at the same time strong, virtuous, upbeat and the personification of tolerance. Bindu Saran did not conquer Kalinga, Chera, Chola and Pandya kingdoms militarily. He granted these territories self-government with extensive powers. Bindu Saran's quarter-century rule, a blend of military power and diplomacy, must have been India's golden age within its golden age.

Content sources from WhatsApp group, needs validation. Author unknown